GCRC Membership Directory Information
The Greater Cincinnati Relocation Council (GCRC) is comprised of relocation professionals who work in both the corporate and service segments of the business. A "corporate" member is one who administers relocation for his/her corporation's transferred employees. A "service" member is employed by one of the many companies which provide various services to transferred employees and their companies.
General Membership Meeting Benefits
An educational forum consisting of seminars on local, national and global relocation trends, as well as best practices, tax and legal issues.
An opportunity to network with your peers, share ideas and information. Fellow members may have tackled the very problem you are dealing with and you can benefit from their information and insight
A solicitation-free environment. Because solicitation of corporate business at our functions is prohibited, you will be able to make helpful contacts in a non-selling, non-competitive environment.
An opportunity to promote a spirit of fellowship. Members will have several opportunities during the course of the year to network, while benefiting from carefully selected keynote speakers and topics.
Continuing education credits for the certified relocation professional. Whenever possible, our educational meetings are accredited by the national ERC for retention of the CRP certification.
Membership Application/Renewal and Payment
Please access the membership application by clicking on the link near the bottom of the page. Complete the application and submit as follows:
Corporate Only: Membership is free, click HERE to become a member
Service Providers Only: $150, each additional company membership $75
If paying by check: Make your check out to "GCRC" and include the member(s) name on the check. Send your check and this completed application to: GCRC Membership, Greater Cincinnati Relocation Council 7730 Clearwater Ct. Mason, OH 45040.
If paying by PayPal: Print and complete this application. You may e-mail the completed application to JBrooks@PODS.com or mail it to the address above. The PayPal link to process your payment is below.
Click below to pay dues online: